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Rubber molded components

Wanlong sealing custom molded rubber production combines the technical expertise and engineering, with more than 30 years of experience to provide quality components with consistent properties.

Key words:


Custom rubber mold assembly

Product Details

Rubber molded components

Wanlong sealing custom molded rubber production combines the technical expertise and engineering, with more than 30 years of experience to provide quality components with consistent properties. We offer engineering and business solutions combined with a full range of manufacturing capabilities to help our clients.

Molding process

The rubber compression molding process begins with a piece of uncured rubber, prepared to a specific weight and shape. This preform is placed directly into the rubber mold cavity prior to mold closure. As the mold is closed, the material is compressed between the plates causing the compound to fill the cavity. The material is held in the mold under high pressure and temperature elevated to activate the cure system in the rubber compound (vulcanized). The cycle time is established to reach an optimal level of cure. At the end of the cycle, the parts are removed or ejected from the cavities and the next cycle begins.

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